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Tapping Into the Untapped User Experience: Combining User Analytics and Feedback In One Essential Tool

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With the speed at which technology is changing and advancing, it is disappointing that as developers and designers we still can’t get the big picture of our site’s user experience.

On the one hand, there are many great Web analytics tools out there today that measure user behavior. There are also many popular customer feedback tools that help to understand the voice of the customer. But fusing these two disparate pieces of information into one concise tool is a largely untapped area in our industry.

As a developer, more tools means more headaches and more overhead. As a designer, you need several key data points to create better sites and solutions around your users, but this data can be hard to find and take action on when you need to use a handful of independent tools and draw insights from them yourself.

Read this article to learn about a powerful new approach to understanding the whole user experience and how to improve it with Hotjar, an all-in-one analytics and feedback tool.

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Data Points Are Everywhere

Democratizing User Analytics and Feedback

Hotjar Features in Detail



Putting It All Together

Data Points Are Everywhere

Combining through the various tools you currently use to for UX metrics and feedback, you know that there is a lot of data to be sifted through. Tasked with continuously improving your site’s user experience and growth, there is no time to connect the dots between each tool to surface the right insights to take action on. 

Democratizing User Analytics and Feedback

The software world is changing in a big way. Especially for fast moving and lean organizations, it is more critical and timelier to understand the user journey so you can take action and improve it on the fly.

Hotjar logo 120x75That’s where Hotjar comes in. Hotjar offers a flexible, easy-to-use tool that seamlessly combines user analytics and feedback to provide you with the right insights -- at a fraction of the cost. 

While other tools give you data paralysis, Hotjar will lead you to your hottest opportunities first. The Hotjar toolset was carefully chosen to show you what your visitors do (using Heatmaps, Visitor Playback and Funnels), and more importantly, why they do it (through Feedback Polls, Surveys and Recruit User Testers).

By combining these powerful pieces of the puzzle into one simple and fast platform, Hotjar will lead you directly to your biggest opportunity, allowing you to make a change or create a test that will have the biggest impact in the shortest time possible.

Hotjar Features in Detail


While most clunky and expensive tools put too much effort towards gathering every piece of data across your entire site, leaving most of it to waste, Hotjar is lightweight -- it only collects a sampling of data where it matters most, quickly revealing the hottest opportunities. Below are Hotjar’s Analytics features:


See exactly WHERE your visitors tap, click and move their mouse and how far they scroll to understand how they are using your website across multiple devices.

Hotjar Heatmaps

Visitor Playback

Taking Heatmaps to the next level, you can playback actual visitor behavior to see HOW visitors tap, click and scroll and HOW they interact with your fields and forms. 

Hotjar Visitor Playback


Replay visitor recordings to see WHERE you are losing most of your visitors and what your biggest opportunities for growth are. This makes it easy to know exactly what step in the funnel to work on next. 

Hotjar Funnels

Form Abandonment

Hotjar gives you deep insight into how visitors are engaging with your forms. See which form fields are causing confusion, concerns or drop-offs from your site so you can fix them immediately. 


It’s pointless to see what your users are doing unless you can actually ask them what is driving their actions. Nothing is more actionable than communicating directly with your users. This is where Hotjar connects the dots for you between the ‘What’ and the ‘Why’ of user behavior. Below are Hotjar’s Feedback features:


Polls let you ask users WHY they are abandoning your page, WHO they are, and WHAT they think of the page itself. You may be surprised by their feedback.

Hotjar Polls


Ask your active users WHAT made them choose you and WHAT made them almost abandon your site to better understand WHO they are and HOW to improve their experience. 

Hotjar Surveys

Recruit User Testers

Ask your visitors for their input on your site by inviting them to a live user test to see HOW they use your pages and WHAT they think. 

Hotjar Recruit User Testers

Putting It All Together

With our lightweight, straightforward approach to collecting data across the most important areas of your site, Hotjar users are able to truly understand the user journey and make the right changes for improvement -- all at an affordable price. You can learn even more about Hotjar here. We offer three different plans, one of which is completely free. 

What insights have you always wished you had about your users? Let us know in the comments below.

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