Read Me First
The Profile Module is for managing custom user profile fields.
- PHP version >= 5.3.7
- XOOPS 2.5.7+
No special measures necessary, follow the standard installation process, extract the module folder into the ../modules directory. Install the module through Admin -> System Module -> Modules.
Detailed instructions on installing modules are available in the XOOPS Operations Manual (
Operating instructions
- Configure your preferences for the module (see ?Preferences?) and optionally the Profile block if you intend to use it (see ?Blocks?).
- Edit existing Categories or add new ones.
- Edit existing Fields or add new ones. Here you can specify which fields will be visible in which category, and if they will be visible during user registration.
- Define the order of Registration steps.
- And finally, you can set permissions for individual fields - which ones are editable, which ones are searchable.
Detailed instructions on configuring the access rights for user groups are available in the XOOPS Operations Manual (
Anti-Spam measures
To minimize spam registrations, do the following:
a) go to the Protector module in Admin, go to Preferences, and then at the bottom, at this option:
"Stop Forum Spam"
Checks POST data against spammers registered on database. Requires php CURL lib
set it to "Ban the IP (no limit)"
b) in /class/captcha/config.php, make sure that the mode is set as "text":
return $config = array(
'disabled' => false, // Disable CAPTCHA
'mode' => 'text', // default mode, you can choose 'text', 'image', 'recaptcha'(requires api key)
'name' => 'xoopscaptcha', // captcha name
'skipmember' => true, // Skip CAPTCHA check for members
'maxattempts' => 10, // Maximum attempts for each session
c) In the Profile module, go to Admin and in the Basic step located at:
set the "Save after stop" to "No"
d) In Profile Preferences, set the "Use Captcha after the second Registration step" Option to "Yes" (it is the default)
None available at the moment.