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> "A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system."
> ~ Martin Fowler
Code smell is a potentially problematic code indicator with the following formula : ($ccn + $arg) * $loc
ccn : cyclomatic complexity of the method
arg : number of method arguments
loc : number of lines in the method
A high smell value will often reveal that the method is too complex.
This complexity could be detrimental to the maintainability of the method, favoring the appearance of bugs in the future.
This indicator does not replace the expertise of a developer and must above all be considered as an alarm detecting "smelly" code.
Requires >= PHP 8.1 composer require degraciamathieu/php-smelly-code-detector --dev
vendor/bin/smellyphpcodedetector inspect {folder}
| options | description |
| --min-smell= | Ignore methods with less than --min-smell |
| --max-smell= | Ignore methods with more than --max-smell |
| --limit= | Number of methods displayed. |
| --without-constructor | Ignore method constructors from detection. |
| --sort-by-smell | Sort the results by the smell of methods. |
$ php smellyphpcodedetector inspect app --sort-by-smell --limit=10
? PHP Smelly Code Detector ?
81 [============================] < 1 sec
| Files | Methods | smell |
| app/Http/Controllers/Blog/AdminPostController.php | update | 174 |
| app/Http/Controllers/Auth/NewPasswordController.php | store | 87 |
| app/Console/Commands/FetchGoogleFonts.php | store | 78 |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle | 77 |
| app/Http/Controllers/User/ProfileController.php | updateAvatar | 75 |
| app/Services/Community/CreatorRepository.php | instantiateCreatorsFromResponse | 72 |
| app/Http/Controllers/Auth/PasswordResetLinkController.php | store | 51 |
| app/Http/Controllers/User/ProfileController.php | updateInformations | 51 |
| app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisteredUserController.php | store | 50 |
| app/Http/Controllers/Blog/ShowPostController.php | __invoke | 48 |
193 methods found.