* Class ConsoleArgs, a wrapper for the global $argv
* @author Patrick JL Laso <[email protected]>
* @version 1.0.0
* The difference between arguments and options are:
* arguments are strings like --help
* options are strings like --file=filename
* other arguments without -- are not recognized because the magic of this wrapper is that doesn't matter the order of the arguments/options
* Sample of use:
* $consoleArgs = new ConsoleArgs($argv, array('help'), array('arg1', 'arg2'));
* if($consoleArgs->hasHelp){
* print <<<EOD
* Please, use this arguments to invoke this command:
* --help \tto see this help
* --arg1=filename \tthe first argument
* --arg2=filename\toptional, the second argument
* EOD;
* exit();
* }
* $arg1 = $consoleArgs->getArg1;
* $arg2 = $consoleArgs->getArg2;
namespace JLaso\ConsoleArgs;
class ConsoleArgs
private $args;
private $options;
* @param $args
* @param array $validArgs a list of valid arguments
* @param array $validOpts a list of valid options
function __construct($args, $validArgs = array(), $validOpts = array())
$this->options = array();
$this->args = array();
foreach($validOpts as $option){
$this->options[$option] = false;
foreach($validArgs as $arg){
$this->args[$arg] = null;
foreach($args as $index=>$arg){
if($index>0){ // ignore first argument that is the name of the executable file
if(preg_match("/^--(?<arg>.*)$/", $arg, $matches)){
$result = explode("=", $matches['arg']);
list($key) = $result;
if(!array_key_exists($key, $this->args)){
die("argument $key not recognized!\n\tUse: ".implode(",", $validArgs));
$this->args[$key] = true;
list($key, $value) = $result;
die("option $key not recognized!\n\tUse: ".implode(",", $validOpts));
$this->options[$key] = $value;
die("argument $arg not recognized");
* returns true if the argument passed has been found in the current console arguments
* @param $arg
* @return bool
function isArgument($arg)
return array_key_exists($arg, $this->args);
* returns the value of the argument passed or null if not found
* @param $arg
* @return null
function getArgument($arg)
return $this->isArgument($arg) ? $this->args[$arg] : null;
* returns true if the option passed has been found in the current console arguments
* @param $option
* @return bool
function isOption($option)
return array_key_exists($option, $this->options);
* return the value of the option passed or null if not found
* @param $option
* @return null
function getOption($option)
return $this->isOption($option) ? $this->options[$option] : null;
* magic method that gets options or args
* @param $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
if(preg_match("/^has(?<option>.*)$/", $name, $matches)){
return $this->getArgument(lcfirst($matches['option']));
if(preg_match("/^get(?<argument>.*)$/", $name, $matches)){
return $this->getOption(lcfirst($matches['argument']));
return null;