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MycroBench: Measure the time that passed since a past moment

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mycrobench 1.0.3MIT/X Consortium ...7.4Time and Date, Performance and optimi..., P...


This class can measure the time that has passed since a past moment.

It can get the current time and calculate the difference between the time that passed since the initial moment the class started keeping track of the time or since the last moment the course took note of the time.

The class can return an array that specifies the current time, the reference moment time, the timestamp for the present time, and the number of seconds that have passed since the reference moment.

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Name: Engin Ypsilon <contact>
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Country: Germany Germany
Age: 44
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MycroBench | Lightweight time measure tool for PHP

This Package uses $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] and microtime() to calculate the difference that has passed between both times, when instantiated. It also provides a basic implementation of hrtime(), which allows measuring processing times with higher precision.

See ./public/index.php for examples or check the livedemo on Vercel.

composer require eypsilon/MycroBench

use Many\MycroBench;

 * @return array basic usage

// Array
// (
//     [start] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.172129
//     [ended] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.302257
//     [took] => 00.130128
//     [mem_usage] => 376.21 KB
//     [mem_peak] => 16.37 MB
//     [included_files_total] => 37
// )

Consecutive requests

Get the processing time that has passed between consecutive requests with internally staid start times.

The first request will use $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] as start time, subsequent requests will use the ended time from previous requests.

Set the initial start time for benches manually to now. This is optional, but the first high resolution time will be wrong, if it's not instantiated.

/ Sets the start time for @method getBench() and @method hrBench() to now */

/ @param bool true returns additional high resolution times */

// [start] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.176997
// [ended] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.217398
// [took] => 00.040401
// [h_res] => 0.040415356


// [start] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.217398
// [ended] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.239846
// [took] => 00.022448
// [h_res] => 0.022439554


// [start] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.239846
// [ended] => 2022-10-10 16:07:00.265409
// [took] => 00.025563
// [h_res] => 0.025560282

High resolution times

Get microtimes with the system's high resolution time using hrtime().

Microsec: 00.019045

High Reso: 0.019044332

// start bench

// do stuff here

// end bench, set first param true to get the result in return

/ @return float|null '0.019044332' */

Get high resolution times with internally staid start times.

/ @return float|null '0.019044332' */


 * microtimestamp to datetime
 * @return string '2022-09-01 17:14:48.5000'
(new MycroBench)->getDate('1662045288.5000') # 'U.u', 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u'

 * datetime to microtimestamp
 * @return string '1662045288.5000'
(new MycroBench)->getDateToMicro('2022-09-01 17:14:48.5000') #'Y-m-d H:i:s.u', 'U.u'

 * Get microtimestamp for the last request. Only filled
 * when @method getBench() has been called
 * @return string|null '1662623500.7135'

 * Readable bytes
 * @return string '379.67 KB'

 * Default getter
 * ended: microtime(true)
 * @static alias MycroBench::get()
 * @param bool   enable (array) get_included_files()
 * @param string set a needle to shorten the paths returned in get_included_files()
 * @return array
(new MycroBench)->getAll(true, '/remove/from/included_files/paths')

 * Consecutive getter
 * @static alias MycroBench::getBench()
 * @param bool get additionally higher resolution times
 * @return array
(new MycroBench)->getBenchDiff(true)

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