{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 form xinha plugin README\
This is a plugin form Manuel Lamos' Forms Generation and Validation Class\
It implements a textarea with a toolbar that allows the user to treat the field as a word processor (so styles, fonts, tables, spellcheck...)\
It is based on a javascript opensource proget called xinha.\
How to get it working:\
a) First you need the master forms.php class, grab it from phpclasses.org\
b) Second you need the xinha javascript code.\
Go to \
and download the latest code, unzip it and the place the whole folder at the root level of your site\
"LANG"=>"en", // valid are "en","it","de" default "it"\
"SPELLCHECK"=>true, // display SPELLCHECK default false\
"TABLES"=>true, // display Table Operations default false\
"PATH"=>"/path/to/the/editor", // default "xinha" that is the site relative path to the folder you created in step b)\
Any attribute that makes sense in a textarea should work. For the legal parameters in a textarea take a look at Manuel' Lamos' Forms Generation and Validation class documentation.\
I've only assembled the plugin. All the credits for the functionality goes to the guys at http://xinha.python-hosting.com/ that are working so hard on the project.\
If you fix it or implement it, I'd love to hear from you.\
Good luck\
Alessandro Bianchi\