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1. How to Automate the Calls to a PHP CRUD API

Updated on: 2020-12-19

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Blog: Mezon PHP CRUD API Service Client package blog
Package: Mezon PHP CRUD API Service Client

CRUD interfaces are used very frequently by many applications to manipulate data stored in databases.

These CRUD interfaces may be used by Web page based applications or mobile applications calling an API.

This package simplifies the implementation of CRUD interfaces to be accessible via Web APIs, by providing basic functionality that most CRUD implementations need to provide.

This way you can implement Web page based or mobile applications in less time than if you had to implement a CRUD interface in more traditional ways.

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1. How to Implement PHP Money Calculations in Laravel Model Objects

Updated on: 2020-12-17

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Blog: Laravel Money Package package blog
Package: Laravel Money Package

Many applications need to perform operations with money amounts like those that implement e-commerce solutions.

This package implements operations with money amounts that go behind money value formatting as text, like for instance deposit and withdraw funds or calculating sums of amounts stored in objects of model classes implemented with the Laravel framework.

This package can greatly simplify complex operations that you may need to perform with money amounts of applications related finances.

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1. Welcome to dFramework - A simple PHP framework for beginners

Updated on: 2020-12-16

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Blog: dFramework package blog
Package: dFramework

This is a very short article on which I give an overview of the about the dFramework project.

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1. How to Create a PHP URL Shortner using a MongoDB Database to Store the URLs

Updated on: 2020-12-16

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Blog: Encurtador URL MongoDB package blog
Package: Encurtador URL MongoDB

URL shortener solutions are useful to help sharing URLs of Web site pages in a way that those URLs are shorter and easier to understand.

That may help to encourage users to share URLs just by typing them, as they need to type less characters to share the same URL that often may be very long.

This package provides a URL shortner solution that uses MongoDB, thus making it more feasible to scale a solution that can be used to share many more URLs using less resources from servers running PHP, than it would by using more traditional databases.

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1. How to Embed a WordPress Audio Player So Your Site Can Play Audio Samples and Playlists

Updated on: 2020-12-14

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Blog: Dynamic WordPress Audio Player Plugin package blog
Package: Dynamic WordPress Audio Player Plugin

Many sites related with music need to present samples to the users in the form of audio players.

This package can embed an audio player in Web pages generated by WordPress with the possibility to present individual songs or complete play lists of multiple songs or audio samples.

Since it just requires that the publisher that edits the pages insert only a single tag in the WordPress post editor, this solution to embed a audio player is very simple.

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1. How to Workaround the PHP Time Limit Setting to Execute Long Tasks without Having to Change that PHP Setting

Updated on: 2020-12-11

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Blog: PHP Time Limit Manager package blog
Package: PHP Time Limit Manager

PHP provides a feature that is used to limit the time that a script can run.

This is useful for instance to prevent that bugs may cause excessive load on the server due to scripts that execute tasks that take too long to finish.

Sometimes it is better to split the tasks in multiple executions of the same PHP script to avoid that each execution exceeds the PHP execution time limit, which by default is 30 seconds.

This class can help determining when a script that runs a long task is close to exceed the PHP execution time limit.

This way, PHP applications can pause the execution of each task and redirect the Web page access that runs that long task, so the next request handled by the same PHP script can resume the execution of that long task where it was paused.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Docker Container Monitoring Solution Using the Docker API

Updated on: 2020-12-10

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Blog: PHP Docker API package blog
Package: PHP Docker API

Docker is a well known tool to manage containers on which developers can deploy their applications in the development or test environments in a way that it is easy to push to the production environments, so there is not much difference between the different environments.

This package provides a PHP solution that allows querying Docker to obtain details of the state of the instances that may be running on a given machine.

It makes it easy to monitor applications running as Docker instances, so developers can check the status of their applications.

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1. How to Create a PHP Web Chat System to Interact with Telegram Users

Updated on: 2020-12-08

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Blog: PHP Telegram Web Chat package blog
Package: PHP Telegram Web Chat

Telegram is a popular chat application used by millions of users from around the world.

This package can use the Telegram API to add a chat solution in Web page generated by your PHP application.

This way you can easily interact with your site users via a Web page, thus without using the native Telegram applications.

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1. How to Improve Your PHP Project Documentation by Finding Source Files with Missing or Wrong PHPDoc Comments

Updated on: 2020-12-06

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Blog: PHP Doctor package blog
Package: PHP Doctor

Having good documentation is important for any project as it helps remembering all relevant aspects of how to use the programming components that are well documented.

A common practice among PHP developers is to use PHPDoc comments to store attributes about the different sections of a component like classes, functions, variables.

On a complex project it is hard to have all relevant components well documented.

This package simplifies the process of producing complete documentation of projects with multiple components, as it can scan code files to find which components are missing documentation in PHPDoc format, or even find mistakes in existing PHPDoc comments.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Router Configuration Generator to Automate the Setup of MVC Based Applications

Updated on: 2020-12-01

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Blog: Dframe PHP Router Configuration Generator package blog
Package: Dframe PHP Router Configuration Generator

MVC based applications can process HTTP requests by routing the requests to controller classes that can perform the desired actions and return the responses.

This package can simplify the configuration of application routing by scanning controller class files to extract the possible actions that they can perform. Then it can generate updated configuration files to define how requests are routed.

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