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1. How to Implement PHP Form Validation Without Mixing the Form Processing with the Form Validation Logic

Updated on: 2020-09-09

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Blog: PHP JavaScript Form Validation package blog
Package: PHP JavaScript Form Validation

Many applications need to generate and validate forms. Usually they generate JavaScript to validate the form values before the form is submitted to the server.

This class provides means to define validation rules as a separate files in the INI format.

This possibility simplifies the building and maintenance of form based Web applications, as developers can easily find the different files that are used to process forms and define form validation rules.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Random String Generator using Templates to Define the Output String Format

Updated on: 2020-09-07

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Blog: PHP Replace Dynamic String package blog
Package: PHP Replace Dynamic String

Sometimes applications need to generate random strings that follow a certain pattern.

This package can generate random strings from a template that contains not only the fixed part of the pattern, but also all the possible alternatives that the variable parts may contain.

This allows applications to define random string patterns as a single string. Then this package can generate many variants of the type of random string that the applications need to be generated.

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1. How Can You Setup a Laravel Docker Environment From an Example

Updated on: 2020-09-05

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Blog: Laravel Docker Starter package blog
Package: Laravel Docker Starter

Docker is a tool to help creating containers of all the files that are necessary to run applications, so they can easily be installed and put to work.

This package can be used to start a PHP project with Laravel, MySQL and Nginx using a Docker container.

This way, the package can help developers saving a lot of time start Laravel projects that are meant to be run in Docker containers.

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1. How to Create a Compact PHP API in a Single Object

Updated on: 2020-09-04

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Blog: Armory PHP Closure Trait package blog
Package: Armory PHP Closure Trait

The Armory PHP Closure Trait is a package that provides a trait that you can use in your PHP classes to quickly add a registration and a callback support to register and invoke callback functions to handle class specific events.

Read this short tutorial to learn about several ways to use the PHP Armory Trait.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Timer Script like in JavaScript

Updated on: 2020-09-03

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Blog: React PHP Timer Loop package blog
Package: React PHP Timer Loop

Many PHP developers also know well the JavaScript language. One possibility that JavaScript allows is to execute a piece of code after a given interval of time using functions like setTimeout and setInterval.

This package provides a PHP implementation of the JavaScript setTimeout and setInterval functions using ReactPHP.

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1. How to Implement a Robust PHP Chat Application using ReactPHP and WebSockets

Updated on: 2020-09-02

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Blog: ReactPHP Chat Client package blog
Package: ReactPHP Chat Client

ReactPHP is a project that makes it easier to implement applications that are based on the processing of asynchronous events, like for instance the processing of the exchange of chat messages between multiple chat users.

This package implements a ReactPHP based chat system that not only processes the exchange of chat messages sent by browsers that use WebSockets, but it can handle trickier situations, like the disconnection of chat users during the loss of the Internet connection.

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1. How Can a Laravel Query Builder Trait Be Used to Test Applications Before Shipping to Production

Updated on: 2020-09-01

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Blog: PHP Query Builder for Laravel package blog
Package: PHP Query Builder for Laravel

Storing and retrieving data in a database is a important activity of many type of applications.

The data to be stored in a database must be correct, so the applications behave as expected.

This package provides a trait that can generate database SQL queries for a model without storing any information. This way it can be used to test the generated SQL before it is used in the real application.

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1. How Can PHP Sanitize Filename for Windows, Linux and other Systems

Updated on: 2020-08-30

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Blog: PHP Sanitize Filename String package blog
Package: PHP Sanitize Filename String

When applications need to create files, it is convenient to only use ASCII characters in the file names to avoid portability problems when those files may be used by people that have computers or mobile devices that use different operating systems.

This package can not only replace non-ASCII characters by similar ASCII character versions in a string, but it can also rename a file that has non-ASCII characters to use only similar ASCII characters.

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1. How to Create a PHP Chat Server Implementing an API for Web and Mobile Chat Clientes

Updated on: 2020-08-29

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Blog: PHP Chat API package blog
Package: PHP Chat API

Many sites need a chat system to allow exchanging message between users or chat with the site support people.

This package implements an API for a chat system that can be used to exchange messages between people on a regular browser using JavaScript or a mobile version of the site application to communicate with the API.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Review and Rating System

Updated on: 2020-08-29

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Blog: R8 PHP Review System package blog
Package: R8 PHP Review System

One way to improve the utility of a Web site that publishes content or displays products for sale, is to add user contributed reviews, ratings and recommendations to the site pages.

This package provides classes and traits that can be used by classes to easily integrate forms to take those user reviews, ratings and recommendations to a Web site with content generated by those classes.

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