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1. How to Prettify PHP Code to Display it in a More Readable Way

Updated on: 2020-09-19

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Blog: PHP Prettify package blog
Package: PHP Prettify

PHP comes with built-in support to parse PHP code to generate HTML that can display the code in a highlighted format using color.

This package implements a better solution for displaying PHP code in Web pages.

It can highlight the code using colors, add line numbering, highlight specific lines or just part of the code of a script, and highlighting the code using themes configured using separate files in JSON format.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Uptime Monitor to Check if Multiple Servers Are Working as Expected

Updated on: 2020-09-17

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Blog: Laravel Uptime Monitor package blog
Package: Laravel Uptime Monitor

Monitoring a server regularly is a way to continuously test if a Web application is running as expected.

This package provides a solution that can be used to monitor multiple servers on which one or more applications are running.

It also provides means to detect when a server that was working goes down, as well when a server that was down starts working again.

This way, it can be used to allow applications to be monitored to generate alerts, so an administrator can check when he needs to solve a problem that may have caused an application to stop working.

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1. How to Implement PHP Domain Driven Design Classes in Practice

Updated on: 2020-09-15

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Blog: PHP Domain Driven Design Starter package blog
Package: PHP Domain Driven Design Starter

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is a concept for defining an approach to map abstract project concepts into a concrete implementation of software projects on which the abstract entities are mapped to specific concrete classes and interfaces.

Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a pattern that defines that there may be different model objects that can be used to update the information that is necessary to store the model information.

Event Sourcing (ES) is an approach to keep track about the changes in the state of an application as a sequence of events.

This package provides abstract interfaces for defining objects to implement Domain Driven Design, Command and Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing in PHP.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Network Scanner to Discover IP Addresses of Web Site Servers

Updated on: 2020-09-13

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Blog: PHP Check HTTP Response Code IP Scanner package blog
Package: PHP Check HTTP Response Code IP Scanner

Sometimes it is necessary to discover what is the address of HTTP servers running on a given network of many machines to find out what is the machine a server is running.

This package provides a solution to automate the discovery of Web servers running on a network by checking if there is an HTTP response to servers with IP addresses within a given range.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Visualization Solution to Display Multiple Periods of Time over Dates

Updated on: 2020-09-10

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Blog: PHP Period Date package blog
Package: PHP Period Date

Calculating and comparing dates is useful for applications that deal with events and time schedules.

This package can not only perform time calculation and comparison operations, but it can also generate visual representations of the different time intervals, so users can see how they overlap or not.

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1. How to Implement PHP Form Validation Without Mixing the Form Processing with the Form Validation Logic

Updated on: 2020-09-09

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Blog: PHP JavaScript Form Validation package blog
Package: PHP JavaScript Form Validation

Many applications need to generate and validate forms. Usually they generate JavaScript to validate the form values before the form is submitted to the server.

This class provides means to define validation rules as a separate files in the INI format.

This possibility simplifies the building and maintenance of form based Web applications, as developers can easily find the different files that are used to process forms and define form validation rules.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Random String Generator using Templates to Define the Output String Format

Updated on: 2020-09-07

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Blog: PHP Replace Dynamic String package blog
Package: PHP Replace Dynamic String

Sometimes applications need to generate random strings that follow a certain pattern.

This package can generate random strings from a template that contains not only the fixed part of the pattern, but also all the possible alternatives that the variable parts may contain.

This allows applications to define random string patterns as a single string. Then this package can generate many variants of the type of random string that the applications need to be generated.

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1. How Can You Setup a Laravel Docker Environment From an Example

Updated on: 2020-09-05

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Blog: Laravel Docker Starter package blog
Package: Laravel Docker Starter

Docker is a tool to help creating containers of all the files that are necessary to run applications, so they can easily be installed and put to work.

This package can be used to start a PHP project with Laravel, MySQL and Nginx using a Docker container.

This way, the package can help developers saving a lot of time start Laravel projects that are meant to be run in Docker containers.

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1. How to Create a Compact PHP API in a Single Object

Updated on: 2020-09-04

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Blog: Armory PHP Closure Trait package blog
Package: Armory PHP Closure Trait

The Armory PHP Closure Trait is a package that provides a trait that you can use in your PHP classes to quickly add a registration and a callback support to register and invoke callback functions to handle class specific events.

Read this short tutorial to learn about several ways to use the PHP Armory Trait.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Timer Script like in JavaScript

Updated on: 2020-09-03

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Blog: React PHP Timer Loop package blog
Package: React PHP Timer Loop

Many PHP developers also know well the JavaScript language. One possibility that JavaScript allows is to execute a piece of code after a given interval of time using functions like setTimeout and setInterval.

This package provides a PHP implementation of the JavaScript setTimeout and setInterval functions using ReactPHP.

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